Table Banking

This concept is simply a group funding strategy where members of a group meet occasionally, place their savings, loan repayments and other contributions on the table before them and then proceed to borrow immediately either as long or short-term loans according to individual interest.

The money borrowed is often used as capital for their own livelihood projects. Table banking therefore is the avenue to realize the dream of Equal economic rights, economic empowerment and independence as essential to the achievement of disadvantaged society’s growth

and development. Buckner Kenya’s various FHC programs have set up Table-Banking groups as follows.

Seed of Hope started the table banking initiative in January 2017 with the aim of having a practical financial manual similar to the one taught in the finance module. Currently, the initiative has two active groups which comprise of the second set of 13 members including a pilot client and the third set of 10 members. During the group’s weekly meetings, a penalty fee is charged to late-comers, members can save as well as borrow loans of up to Kshs. 5,000, payable within a month and with an earned interest of 10% and they are now members of the BUCKNER SACCO. Among other decisions made by the group is setting up a benevolent kitty to support bereaved members.

Flying Eagle Empowerment group is the TableBanking group at Nairobi FHC. The group has a membership of 11 families. The initiative has diverse cultures and families as it serves slum residents. They come together every week to save, give loans for various business activities like chicken rearing, beadwork and detergent making besides grocery business. Besides the financial boost, families also get moral support from each other as they visit each other’s homes to fellowship and network. However, this has been with some challenges due to the high poverty levels making it challenging to equip them effectively since they are always thinking about how to get food. John Ondieki is a proud beneficiary of the table banking group.

“I am grateful to God for our Table-Banking because it has helped me to save at least kes100 every week. Before it was very hard for me to save any money. I am also able to borrow money and repay at an affordable interest in case of emergency. I have met many people and we can relate and help each other. Finally, Table-Banking is a wonderful idea especially for the place where we live since many people only expect the government to do anything for them and so there are a lot of problems.” He said