Standing with the Hopeless During Tough Times

Imagine life when cessation of movement in and out of several parts of the country is the order of the day. Life when we all have to get home before curfew hours, life when we all have to wear facemasks and maintain social distancing when visiting public places and life when we all cannot hug our loved ones, during tough economic times. Yes, this is the life that most people have adjusted to, the new normal!


The unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic has brought about several changes in the lives of many people, residing in different parts of the globe. Thousands have lost their livelihood, and are surviving from hand to mouth. The majority of them cannot afford a meal a day, hence spending their nights on an empty stomach.


Buckner Kenya, through its programs situated in different parts of the country, offers humanitarian aid to COVID-19 hard-hit families, through the food distribution exercise that has seen thousands of families receive maize, maize flour, beans, manna packs, and seeds, to keep them going, during this tough time.


Justine Nanjala, a resident of TransNzoia County, can comfortably put a smile on her face, thanks to the food distribution exercise at Buckner Kitale Family Hope Centre. The mother of five has been struggling to make ends meet since the announcement of the first COVID-19 positive case in the country, that rendered her jobless by default.


“I am very grateful to Buckner Kenya for their continued support during these tough times. They have changed my way of thinking and given me a reason to live each day. The food distribution exercise offered to my family has played a big role in ensuring that we eat three meals a day and lead a healthy life,” said Justine


Phanice Simuyu, the case manager at Buckner Kitale Family Hope Centre-Seed of Hope, acknowledges the fact that most people residing in TransNzoia county live below the poverty line and therefore, the pandemic has rendered most of the hopeless and depressed, even though TransNzoia county is the leading producer of maize in Kenya.


“The move by Buckner Kenya to offer food to most of our clients has shinned hope in the lives of many vulnerable people in TransNzoia county. More than 1000 individuals receive maize and beans monthly, while more than 50 children have benefitted from the education fund, since April this year,” Said Phanice, adding, “We thank God that most of these families no longer go to bed on empty stomachs,"


Kenya is amongst the most affected countries in Africa, with more than 30,000 COVID-19 positive cases and more than 500 COVID-19 related deaths, since March this year. The economy of the country has been dwindling since the announcement of the first case, with the increased number of unemployment rates leaving Kenyans of different age groups depressed and worried about what the future holds.