The sudden change in trends of life has drastically affected the lives of many, as everyone struggles to adjust to the new normal. Kenya has experienced an increased number of domestic violence cases, with the majority of the affected families, blaming it on the unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic that has left many people depressed.
Buckner Kenya, through its programs located in Bungoma, Busia, Nairobi, and Trans Nzoia (Kitale and Cherangany) counties continues to provide thousands of families suffering under the yoke of poverty, a shoulder to lean on. Case managers provide the affected families with skills for economic independence and grant them room for social participation. They secure existential needs to ensure that they acquire good health, hygiene, nutrition, and shelter, as well as take them through stress management skills.
Imelda Simiyu is a 25-year-old resident of Bungoma county. The mother of seven suffered depression for the better part of her life, with getting married at an early age being the foundation of her entangling state. The choking poverty that sought ‘refuge’ at their homestead prompted her to get married to several people while looking for a soft landing.
One in every four women experience domestic violence in their lifetime, yet this is still one of the most under-recognized pandemics of our time, with even less consideration given to how it affects the children who witness or suffer through it. For Imelda and her children, the effect was their separation at that critical stage when children needed their mother the most.
Her interaction with Buckner Bungoma Family Hope Centre revealed light at the end of the tunnel. She went through several counselling sessions that have enabled her to make lemonades from lemons and grow tougher when life gets tough.
“Life was very tough for me, before my interaction with Buckner Kenya. Lack of a stable source of income led me into a depression since I was the sole breadwinner of my family. I am grateful to Buckner Kenya for walking with me through my journey to success. I have developed a tough skin and can comfortably handle what I thought was impossible,” said Imelda.
Buckner Bungoma Family Hope Centre keeps shining hope in the lives of thousands of people, the young, old, ladies, and gentlemen. All of them have been offered humanitarian aid, to ensure they live healthy lives, during this pandemic.
“Buckner Bungoma Family Hope Centre continues to cultivate quality relationships with communities as we represent the image of Christ in modeling hope withing Bungoma County.” Said Pamela, a case manager at Buckner Bungoma Family Hope Centre. Adding, “We have and continue to support vulnerable families through humanitarian aid, a bridge through which solid relations have been founded and cemented as we pursue potential family coaching clients in our quest to transform lives,”
More than 2,000 individuals have benefited from food support, facemasks, clean water for domestic use, hand washing soap as well as cash support via mobile money transfers (M-PESA). A move that has transformed the lives of thousands of people and reduced the crime rate in most affected areas in the county.