4th January 2021, marked the start of the new term two dates placed by the Ministry of Education, after the closure of schools in Kenya, in March 2020, due to the rising number of COVID-19 cases, a situation that has forced learners to put off the old term dates, and focus on the new academic calendar.
All learners from Buckner Kenya schools reported to their respective schools, eager to learn and interact with their peers and teachers. The empty class rooms, dinning halls and play grounds that were experienced for close to a year, are now occupied; with class eight learners placing their best foot forward, as they prepare for the Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) examination, set for March this year.
Aisha Abdalla, a class eight pupil at Seed of Hope Academy in Kitale is optimistic that the resumption of physical classes will make learning fun and easy, since they can easily seek guidance from the teachers.
“We are happy that physical learning is taking place. We can easily interact with our teachers and did our exams in school. Most of us are happy because we posted good results from the previous exams, compared to the exams that were conducted online. We appreciate our teachers for being there for us, and for always training us, even when we were at home. We are looking forward to posting good grades in the final exams, and make Buckner Kenya proud,” said Aisha.
The Ministry of Education has placed stringent measures to help combat the spread of the virus in schools, including; wearing of facemasks at all time, observing social distancing by reducing the number of learners in a classroom, installing several taps with soap and clean running water, to encourage the practice of handwashing and restricting school visits, including interschool competition such as, music, drama festivals, games and science congress, among others, until further notice.
2021 Term Dates for Learners
Activity Opening Dates Closing Dates Duration
Term 2 4/1/2021 19/03/2021 11 weeks
Holiday 20/03/2021 9/5/2021 7 weeks
Term 3 10/5/2021 16/07/2021 10 weeks
Halfterm Break 3/6/2021 7/6/2021 3 Days
Holiday 17/7/2021 25/7/2021 1 week
2021 Term Dates for Learners.
Activity Opening Dates Closing Dates Duration
Term 1 26/7/2021 1/10/2021 10 weeks
Halfterm Break 26/8/2021 29/8/2021 3 days
Holiday 2/10/2021 10/10/2021 1 week
Term 2 11/10/2021 23/12/2021 11 weeks
Christmas/Holiday 24/12/2021 2/1/2022 10 days
Term 3 3/1/2022 4/3/2022 9 weeks
KCPE 7/3/2022 10/3/2022 4 days
KCSE 11/3/2022 1/4/2022 3 weeks 1 day
KCSE MARKING 4/4/2022 22/4/2022 3 weeks