More than 46 families from Hututu village in Cherangany Subcounty have today received manna packs from Buckner Cherangany Family Hope Centre, amid the ongoing Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic.
The one-day event saw more than 406 packets of manna pack distributed to Family Hope Centre family coaching clients, Kinship care clients, residents of Hututu village and the neighbouring community.
Buckner Kenya’s Executive Country Director Dickson Masindano acknowledges the move taken by social workers to shine hope in the lives of many, especially during this time, when the country’s economy is dwindling.
“Our social workers are more than ready to offer food to the vulnerable in the communities that we serve and even outside. We understand that most people survive on a dollar a day and depend on casual labour for a living, but have now been disrupted by this pandemic, that has led to the closure of some open-air markets,” said Dickson.
Mr Masindano also encouraged members of the community to adhere to governments directives on combating COVID-19.
Jackline Muindi, a 67-year-old mother of nine and grandmother of four, visited Buckner Kenya’s Family Hope Centre in Cherangany while in dire need of food for his family. Jackline is used to spending most nights on an empty stomach, and smoke emerges from her small, round, grass-thatched kitchen, once in a blue moon.
“I am very grateful to Buckner Kenya for giving me food. I didn’t know what my children would have for dinner today since I don’t have money to purchase food. We only took porridge yesterday and have not taken any other food, my grandchildren have lost weight drastically, but I am glad that this meal will put a smile on their face. May God Bless Buckner Kenya," said Jackline.
Judith Nafula, an FHC client from the program who depends on small scale farming to make ends meet, was left in a dilemma following a 7:00 pm curfew that was enacted by the government. Judith would hawk her produce in the community until late in the night; she now has no option other than watching her products rote in the shamba due to lack of clients.
“Saying thank you is not enough for me to show my gratitude to Buckner Kenya for the support. I will continue praying for its leaders, donors and members of staff to continue transforming the lives of many, globally. I will always share the good deeds that Buckner has done for me wherever I go,” said Judith.
Most residents of Trans Nzoia county depend on maize farming, with a handful majoring on dairy and horticultural farming.