Education to take them places.

More than 100 Buckner Kenya school's pupils complete primary school education.

Almost all of us have spent a great deal of time in the classroom, starting from pre-school and extending for years beyond. Have you ever noticed how the mood is like after completing your national examination? First and for most, there is tension as the final days approach, the library and consultation rooms are always fully booked 24/7 and our beds miss us too.

All this changes after seating for your examinations, we’re all relieved and ready to sleep the whole day, eat plenty of food, visit our relatives and relax before the results are released. This is a momentous event, especially for the primary school pupils who’ve just completed their Kenya Certificate of Primary School Education (KCPE) exams.

More than 100 pupils from Buckner Kenya schools have successfully completed their primary school education. The eight-year journey saw the students examined on different subjects including; Mathematics, English Section A, English section B (Essay writing), Kiswahili lugha, Kiswahili insha, Science, Social studies and Religious Education. 

This year’s candidates from Hope Buckner Community School in Bungoma, Seed of Hope Academy in Kitale, Reynolds Community School in Cherangany and Baptist Preparatory School in Nairobi are optimistic that they will attain the best grades.

“We have come to the end of our exams today, we are glad that God has enabled us to go through primary school successfully and we hope for the best,” said Esther Wangari, a student at Seed of Hope Academy.

Buckner Kenya provides quality and affordable education through schools that have conducive learning environments for pupils from vulnerable family backgrounds.

“Our students have been disciplined from the word go, I, on behalf of Buckner Kenya, would like to wish them the very best in their endeavors, as they await to join Secondary school next year,” said Mr. Bitok, head teacher, Seed of Hope Academy.

More than one million candidates in the country sat for this year’s KCPE examination which took four days.

#Hope Shines Here.