Agriculture is the backbone of Kenya’s economy, with approximately 75% of Kenyans in the rural set-up, relying fully on agriculture as their source of income. Buckner Kenya transforms lives and builds strong families by empowering people from vulnerable families to adopt the practice of modern technology in farming, to make ends meet.
A broad smile covers Jenifer Khavere’s face, as she ploughs her farm and feeds chicken in Liyavo village, Kitale town. A smile that she could not afford two years ago, before the inception of Buckner Kenya, through Buckner Kitale Family Hope Centre- Seed of Hope.
Jennifer’s life took a different twist when she enrolled for family coaching classes at Buckner Kitale Family Hope Centre, where she was empowered on better parenting, economic strengthening, faith and finance and volunteering.
The announcement of the first COVID-19 positive case in Kenya in March last year, prompted Jenifer to venture fully into farming, so that she can fend for her family. She used the knowledge acquired from the program to grow maize, beans, sweet potatoes as well as practice poultry farming.
“Iam grateful to Buckner Kenya for training me on various aspects of life, most of which I did not have an idea, the knowledge that I received from the program came in handy, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic, since I am able to provide for my family, solemnly, by selling food crop and chicken,” said Jeniffer.
According to Phanice Simiyu, the program manager, many families that enroll for training have the desire to practice farming, but lack knowledge on how to handle finance or even the best way to practice farming, hence the need for social workers at the facility to create goals and walk them through the journey of making their dream a reality.
“It warms our hearts when we see clients who have gone through family coaching classes in our program, become successful in life, the transformation seen in different families gives us hope that indeed there is light at the end of the tunnel,” said Phanice
The program also provides the clients with seeds, fertilizer and pesticides.